Dwi Pratiwi Wulandari, SST.Par., MM.Par.

Curriculum Vitae
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Dwi Pratiwi Wulandari, SST.Par.,MM.Par is currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality at the Universitas Negeri Padang in Indonesia. Previously, Miss Dwi was a verificator for Key Performance Indicators of UNP. Besides that, she is an admin of SISTER and BKD. At this time, she is Coordinator of Bachelor Programme of Tourism. Miss Dwi graduate from Tourism Diploma of Universitas Sumatera Utara, then finished Bachelor of Tourism from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat and then received her master degree from Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (now it’s rename Politeknik Pariwisata NHI Bandung). She published a number of papers in preferred Journals. She also presented various academic as well as research-based papers at several national and international conferences. Her research activities are currently focus on Sustainable Tourism. She is active as an assessor of LSP UNP and she conducted competency tests on the Certified Venue Management Specialist, Bidding Specialist and other schemes.

  1. 2023-sekarang, Koordinator Program Studi S1 Pariwisata
  2. 2022-2023, Verifikator IKU UNP
  3. 2022-2023, Admin BKD Prodi D4 Manajemen Perhotelan
  4. 2022-2025, Boards of Editor Ensiklopedia of Journal (Terakreditasi Sinta 5)
  5. 2021-sekarang, Manajer Mutu LSP UNP
  6. 2021-sekarang, Asesor Sertifikasi Kompetensi
  7. 2020-2023, Admin SISTER Prodi D4 Manajemen Perhotelan
  8. 2019-sekarang, Dosen Departemen Pariwisata UNP
  9. 2018-2019, Dosen Tetap Fakultas Pariwisata UM Sumbar
  10. 2017, Dosen Luar Biasa IAIN Batusangkar (sekarang UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar)
  11. 2017-2019, Dosen Luar Biasa IAIN Bukittinggi (sekarang UIN Syekh Djamil Djambek)
  12. 2013-2015, Dosen Luar Biasa Fakultas Pariwisata UM Sumbar

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  1. Kepariwisataan
  2. Pengantar Pariwisata Berkelanjutan
  3. MICE
  4. Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata Bahari


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